Jehova Made This Whole Joint For You

Didn't get to go to Ryden's house because we all played DotA til 5am, haha. And as a result, we were all tired and in dire need of sleep.

Today, I spent most of my waking moments thinking about my projects. No, I didn't do them, I just thought about them. After going in project-making frenzy yesterday, I felt a bit "tired" and decided to take a break today. Today was quite surprising because I didn't bother to pick up my guitar and play some shit. Haha, honestly, I think this is the only day in my term break that I seriously took a vacation from my life. 7-8 more weeks til the end of my term, and man oh man, everybody's rushing their projects. Haha, I fucking love college.

I've been listening to alot of New Radicals' songs lately. The mellow-ish atmosphere's helping me relax. Andddd their songs are a bit catchy, ang got great grooves too! I seriously recommend people to listen to them, especially if it's a slow day. Their songs - damn hypnotizing.

Before this post gets any more boring, I'd like to say... uhhh, bye(?) Haha.

- KimE